Date of Birth: September 3, 1935 Place of Birth: Beau Bassin, Mauritius
1947-1955 Royal College, Port Louis, Mauritius (winner of over 20 academic prizes)
1954 The Master’s Shield for excellence in Class and on the Field
1955 Government Scholarship for University Education
(Scholarship Subjects: English, Latin, Greek, and Mathematics)
1956-1960 Bsc (First Class Honours) Physiology, Edinburgh University, Scotland
1956-1963 MBChB, Edinburgh University, Scotland
1969 FRCPC Anatomical Pathology, Vancouver, BC, Canada
1970 LMCC, Canada
1963-1964 Medical and Surgical Internships, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland
Oct. 1965-June 1968 Lecturer in Pathology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
1968-1970 Resident in Pathology, Vancouver, BC, Canada
1971-2001 Assistant, Associate, Professor of Pathology at 3 Canadian
Universities(University of British Columbia, Memorial
University of Newfoundland, and University of Alberta)
1979-2001 Honorary Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Alberta
1993-2005 Consultant in Gynecological Pathology, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton
Alberta, Canada
2001-2005 Part-Time Gynecological Pathologist, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton
Alberta, Canada
2001- Emeritus Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1962 Post-Graduate Ellis Prize in Physiology, Edinburgh
1963 Mouat Scholarship in the Practice of Physic, Edinburgh University
1979 Silver Orator Award for Teaching, Memorial University of Newfoundland
1980-2001 Many nominations and awards for Outstanding Teacher of the year, University
of Alberta, (general Pathology, uropathology and gynecological
pathology) and for teaching residents in Anatomical Pathology
1992 Honorary Class President, Graduating Class in Medicine, University of
Alberta, Edmonton
1998 Spotlight on Achievement 1998: Teaching award Phase 1 Teacher of the Year.
2001 Teacher of the Year: AP/GP Residency Programs, University of Alberta
2005 Mentor of the Year, Region 1(British Columbia , Alberta, & North West
Territories), Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Teaching Experience:
1960-1962: Undergraduate demonstrator in Physiology, Edinburgh University.
1962-1963: Undergraduate demonstrator in Pathology, Edinburgh University.
1965-1968: Lecturer in Pathology, Edinburgh University: Undergraduate teaching;
night courses in Pathology for Primary Examination of F.R.C.S.(Edinburgh).
1969-1970: Lab. sessions, II year Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
1970-1972: Clinical instructor, Pathology Department, U.B.C.
1971-1975: Assistant Professor of Pathology, U.B.C: Pathology of the endocrine and
genitourinary systems - medical and dental students, graduate students and
residents in Pathology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Urology.
1971-1975: Guest Lecturer in Anatomy: First year Medicine - Adrenal histology - lecture and
laboratory session.
1976-1979: Associate Professor of Pathology, Memorial University of Newfoundland,
St. John's, Newfoundland.
I. Medical Students:
Basic Pathology (inflammation and neoplasia)
Systemic Pathology (endocrine and reproductive)
II. Pathology Residents:
General and Systemic Pathology.
1979-2001: Associate Professor and Professor of Pathology,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
I. Medical Students:
Basic Pathology; pathology of the female and male reproductive system.
II. Pathology Residents:
Female and male reproductive pathology
III. Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents:
Female reproductive pathology
IV. Medical Laboratory students:
Anatomy of the male and female reproductive system
V. Cytotechnology Students:
Gynecologic pathology
1988-1997: Coordinator - Pathology 411(Basic Pathology): Phase I Medicine.
1991-1993: Medical Director - Cytotechnology Training Program.
1992-2001: Basic Pathology(cell injury, inflammation, infection and vascular disorders):
Pharmacy 380.
1992-1997: Growth Disorders(non-neoplastic and neoplastic): Pathology 422(Dental
Summer 1960: Undergraduate Research Scholarship, Department of Physiology, Edinburgh
University: Hormones and Cardiovascular Reactivity(Supervisor - Dr. Mary
Summer 1961: Travelling Postgraduate Scholarship, Department of Physiology, Ličge, Belgium:
The Effect of Steroids on the Cardiovascular System(Supervisor - Prof. Jean
Summer 1962: Undergraduate Research Scholarship, Department of Pathology, Edinburgh
University: Cardiovascular Reactivity in Experimental Hypertension (Supervisor –
Dr. D.L. Gardner).
Oct 1964-Sept 1965: M.R.C. Junior Research Fellow, Pathology Department, Edinburgh University:
Experimental Hypertension (Supervisor - Dr. D.L. Gardner)- Techniques of
Production of Rat Hypertension, Study of Cardiovascular reactivity in
Hypertension, Basic Histologic and Histochemical Techniques, DNA
July 70-June 71: M.R.C. Junior Research Fellow, Anatomy Department, U.B.C.,
Vancouver(Supervisor - Dr. S.M. Friedman) The Adrenal Gland in Hypertension:
Staining Techniques, basic electron microscopy, adrenal transplantation, effects
of salt loading.
July 1971-2005 Clinico-pathological Research in Anatomic Pathology, especially in the field of
reproductive pathology.
1979-2001: Female Infertility: Clinico-pathologic correlations(with Dr. J.Z. Scott and Dr. D.C.
Cumming, Infertility Clinic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University
of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton.)
1980-82: Experimental Pregnancy Interruption in Mice(with Dr. C. Waters, Department of
Immunology, University of Alberta, Edmonton).
1981-83: Salbutamol Therapy and Genital Smooth Muscle: Study funded by Glaxo
1982-86: The Role of Prokaryotic Organisms in Human Pregnancy Wastage, collaborative
study with Dr. J.A. Robertson, Microbiology Department, University of Alberta,
Edmonton: funded by Health and Welfare Canada.
1984-85: Tissue Levels of Copper and Zinc in Non-Neoplastic Human Myometrium and
Myocervix(with Dr. M.L. Salkie, Medical Biochemistry). Special Services and
Research Committee, UAH.
1984: The Passive Transfer of Diabetes in Mellitus to the BB Rat: A pilot project(with
Dr. J.A. Jaworski, Faculty of Medicine).
1985-89: Craniofacial Dysmorphology in human Abortuses(with Dr. G. Sperber, Dept. of
Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry and Dr. E.S. Johnson, Dept. of Pathology):
1985-88: Biology of Hytadtidiform Moles(with Dr. C.C. Lin, Dept, of Laboratory Medicine,
Cytogenetics, and Dr. D.W. Morrish, Division of Endcrinology, Dept. Of
1986: The Applicability of Monoclonal Antibodies in the Study of Cervical
Carcinoma(with Mclean G., Longnecker M., Grace M,. Brown L.B.), Biomira,
1987-90: Systematic Study of Human Abortuses with Special Reference to causes of
Pregnancy Loss and Congenital Malformation with Dr. C.J. Curry, "Pregnancy
Loss Project", Fresno, California.
Sabbatical Leave:
(January-June 1998):
Normal and abnormal humam prenatal development: morphologic and
cytogenetic aspects. Service d'Histologie, Embryologie et de Cytogénétique.
(Director Professeur Michel Vekemans). Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades,
Paris, France.
Granting Body | Amount | Project Title |
Glaxo Canada (1980-1983) |
$45,731 | Human Genital Smooth Muscle and Salbutamol Therapy |
Health & Welfare Canada(1982-1985) |
approx. $250,000 (Grant No, 6609-1195-520) |
The Role of Prokaryotic Organisms in Human Pregnancy Wastage (with Dr. J.A. Robertson, Dept. of Microbiology, U of A) |
Special Services and Research Committee (1984-1985) |
Technical assistance provided in Division of Medical Biochemistry |
The Copper and Zinc Content of Human Myometrium and Leiomyomas(with Dr. M.L. Salkie, Dept. of Lab. Medicine, U of A Hospital) |
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research(1984-) |
Grant to Dr. M.A. Jaworski (Dept. of Pediatrics) |
The Passive Transfer of Diabetes Mellitus to the BB Rat: A pilot project. |
Alberta Cancer Board (1987-1988) |
$8,428 | Endocervical adenocarcinomaand the use of oral Contraceptives:A reappraisal of a putative causal relationship(with Dr.Maria Koch, Dept. of Epidemiology, Cross Cancer Institute and Dr. L.B. Brown, Gynecology, Cross Cancer Institute) |
Alberta Heritage Research Fund for Medical Research |
Grant to Dr. R.S. Day III Molecular Genetics & Carcino genesis Laboratory, Cross Cancer Institute. |
DNA repair mechanisms in human embryos and previable fetuses and their placentas: ontogeny in normal and abnormal conceptuses. |
Senior Citizen's Secretariat, Gov't of Alberta |
Grant to Dr. L.H. Honoré And Dr. Karin Olson(Nursing) $18,483 |
Ovarian cancer and early health care seeking experience. |
Alberta Cancer Board | Grant to Drs. M Duggan, E. McGregor, G. Stuart(Calgary), A. Schepansky and L.H. Honoré(Edmonton) $50,000. |
The natural history of CIN1 lesions by human papilloma virus type. |
Health and Welfare Canada | Grant to Drs. M Duggan E. McGregor, G. Stuart(Calgary), A. Schepansky and L.H. Honoré(Edmonton) $175,930. |
The natural history of CIN1 lesions lesions by human papilloma virus type |
Solway Kingswood Inc., Scarborough, Ontario |
Grant to Drs. A. Cheung, D. Cumming, J.Z. Scott, and L.H. Honoré. |
Two year double blind, prospectively randomized, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial investigating the efficacy and long-termsafety of two doses of continuous estradiol combined with different dosages of cyclic dydogesterone in the prevention of postmenopausal bone loss. |
Health and Welfare Canada | New operating grant $27,940 to Drs. M Duggan,V. Cheng-Poon, R. Kasper,P. Brasher, and L.H. Honoré |
The reliability of a cytological diagnosis of CIN1 and its influence on the role of HPV typing in detecting lesions that are in fact CIN2 and CIN3. |
Medical Research Council of Canada(ACB) |
Operating grant to Drs. L. Cook, A. Magliocco, G. Stuart, L. Honoré |
The etiology of ovarian cancer: a molecular epidemiology approach. |
University Hospital Foundation |
Operating Grant to: Drs. S. Andrew, L. Honoré |
Genetic alterations in sporadic endometrial carcinogenesis. |
N.C.I.C | Operating grant to Drs. CM Friedenreich, LS Cook, KS Cournyea, AM Magliocco, LH Honoré, M. Duggan |
Case-Control study of physical activity and endometrial cancer risk. |
Provincial Clinical Research Group(April 2001-April 2003) |
Operating Grant to Drs. M. Parliament, R. Pearcey, L. Honoré, G. Dundas, P. Craighead, A. Franko, X. Sun |
Immunofluorescent quantification of tumor hypoxia as a prognostic factor in squamous carcinoma of the uterine cervix |
N.C.I.C | Operating grant to Drs. CM Friedenreich, LS Cook, KS Cournyea, AM Magliocco LH Honoré, M. Duggan, H. Yu Sum: 2002-2006 |
Biologic determinants of physical acitivity and endometrial cancer risk: The role of Insulin-like growth factors. |
Thesis Supervisor: MSc Graduate Students, University of Alberta:
1. HONORÉ LH and ROBERTSON JR: Student A Cullimore: Identification of Ureaplasma
urealyticum in tissues of spontaneous abortion using immunocytochemical
2. HONORÉ, LH: Student P. Sekhon: The systemic correlation of phenotype and genotype in
human abortions with normal and abnormal karyotypes(1991-1993).
3. MOORE RB, LEE P, HONORÉ LH, KORBUT G: Student E.G. Hamel: Intravesical therapy of
superficial bladder cancer; immunotherapy and viral oncolysis(2000-2002).
Membership in Learned Societies:
- Physiology Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- Teratology Society
- Canadian Association of Pathologists
- Canadian Society of Cytology
- International Society of Gynecological Pathologists
- American Society of Reproductive Medicine
- New York Academy of Sciences
- U.S. and Canadian Academy of Pathology
- American Andrology Society
- Alberta Society of Laboratory Physicians
- Society of Gynecologic Oncologists of Canada
- Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada
Book Chapters:
1. FRIEDMAN, SM, HONORÉ LH, FRIEDMAN CL. The cortico-medullary zone of the adrenal and
the process in Hypertension, editors, J. Genest and E. Kiow, 1972.
2. HONORÉ LH Pathology of the Fallopian Tube in Haines and Taylor's Gynecological and
Obstetrical Pathology(Editors H. Fox and M. Wells), Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Science
Ltd, Fifth edition, 2003.
3. HONORÉ LH Pathology of Female Infertility in Haines and Taylor's(as above in number 2).
4. CURRY CJR, HONORÉ LH, BOYD E: The Ventral Wall of the Trunk In Human Malformations
and Related Anomalies, Editors Stevenson RE, Hall JG and Goodman RM, Oxford University
Press, New York, Oxford, 1993.
Book Reviews:
1. Multiple-Choice Questions in Pathology by B. Lennox for Year Book Medical Publishers,
Chicago, USA
2. Color Atlas and Textbook of Macropathology by Sandritter and Thomas for Year book
Medical Publishers, Chicago, USA
3. Muir's Textbook of Pathology, edited by J.R. Anderson, for the Canadian Medical
Association Journal
4. Bailey's Textbook or Histology, 17th Edition, by W.M. Copenhaver, E. Kelly, and R.L. Wood,
The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, for the Newfoundland Medical Association
5. Perspectives in Pediatric Pathology, Vol. 4, edited by H.S. Rosenberg and R.P. Bolande,
Year Book Medical Publishers, for the Canadian Medical Association Journal
6. Pathologic Basis of Medicine, edited by S.L. Robbins and R.S. Cotran, W.B. Saunders Co.,
Philadelphia, London, Ontario, for the Canadian Medical Association Journal
1965: Visit to Professor W. Crane, Pathology Department, Sheffield University, Sheffield, England: DNA
autoradiography and the cardiovascular response to hypertension.
1973: Registrant in "Pathology in Gynecology and Obstetrics", presented by the University of Colorado
Continuing Medical Education, Aspen, Colorado.
1974: Visit to Dr. Alvin Paulsen, Professor of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, to
study his collection of testicular biopsies taken for the evaluation of infertility, hypogonadism,
dysgenesis, and after the use of experimental irradiation and the male contraceptive drugs.
1976: Visit to Dr. Dorothy Warburton, Department of Human Genetics and Development, Columbia
University, New York. Purpose of visit: To look over spontaneously aborted placentas with
abnormal karyotypes and to set up collaborative study.
1978: Visit to Dr. Dorothy Warburton, Department of Human Genetics and Development, Columbia
University, New York. Collaborative study on human spontaneous abortion.
1980: Visit to Dr. Alexander Meisels, Quebec City, Quebec, concerning condylomatous lesions of the
uterine cervix.
Annual Meeting of The American Society of Andrology, Chicago, USA.
1981: Annual Meeting of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada and Society of
Gynecologic Oncologists of Canada, Quebec City(June).
1982: Annual Meeting of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, Canadian
Investigators in Reproduction and Society of Gynecologic Oncologists of Canada, Toronto(June).
1983: Canadian Association of Pathologists Annual Meeting and International Congress of Cytology,
Fifth Meeting of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research,
1984: First World Conference on Infectious Diseases and Human Infertility, New York(March).
Sixth Meeting of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases Research,
Annual Meeting of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, Montreal(June).
Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Halifax(June).
1985: 85th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas.
8th Annual Perinatal Seminar, Misercordia Hospital, Edmonton.
41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, Jasper.
Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Edmonton.
1986: Ninth Perinatal Seminar, Misericordia Hospital, Edmonton.
Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Kingston.
Sexuality and Health: New Look at an Old Subject. Congress sponsored by the Alberta
Community and Occupational Health, Edmonton.
Visit(on invitation) to Valley Children's Hospital, Depts of Genetics and Pathology, Fresno,
California, USA.
1998: Meeting of the French Pediatric Pathology Society, Paris, France, March 1998.
Annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Denver, Colorado, October, 1998.
Pathology of early cervical neoplasia: CME course, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts,
November 1998.
1999- Annual Meetings of the American Society of Human Genetics, USA.
1960: Effects of castration of the vascular responses of male rats to posterior pituitary hormones -
Physiological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
1971: A light microscopic method for the differentiation of nonadrenaline- and adrenaline-producing
cells of the rat adrenal medulla - Canadian Federation of Biological Sciences, Toronto.
1971: The cortico-medullary zone of the adrenal and the hypertensive process: S. M. Friedman, L. H.
Honoré and C. L. Friedman - presented by Dr. S. M. Friedman at Hypertensive Symposium
organized by the Clinical Research Inistitute of Montreal.
1974: Teratology Society, 14th Annual Meeting, Vancouver. Guest Lecture : placental morphology in
spontaneous abortions associated with chromosomal anomalies in human embryos.
1974: Participant in Reproductive Endocrinology Course, U.B.C., Faculty of Medicine and Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
1. Short presentation - Gonadal Dysgenesis (Pathology).
2. Part of presentation with Dr. B.J. Poland - the clinical significance of abnormal
embryonic development.
3. Panel discussant - Abnormal sexual development.
1975: Visit to Batelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington, USA - Guest Seminar:
Chromosomal anomalies and dysmorphogenesis.
1976: London, Ontario(during visit to Dr. D.H. Haust). Seminar: Placental morphology associated with
human trisomy.
1977: Columbia University, New York(during visit to Dr. Warburton). Seminar: Trisomy and placental
1979: Drug-induced and other iatrogenic gynecologic and obstetrical conditions: J.S. Campbell, D.
Charles, L.H. Honoré, G.D. Hurteau, E. Jolly, N.Z. Mikhael, D.M. Mitton, E. Napke and G. Tolnai.
Presented by J.S. Campbell as workshop at the Royal College meeting, Montreal(February).
Increased incidence of triploidy in spontaneous abortions occurring within six months of
cessation of oral contraceptives, L.H. Honoré, Presented as poster session at the Ninth Annual
Meeting of Canadian Investigators in Reproductionm, Halifax(June)
1981: Pregnancy interruption in mice with single intravenous injections of a rabbit IgG
preparation(with Dr. C. Waters, Department of Immunology, University of Alberta, Edmonton) –
International Conference on Reproductive Immunology, Banff(April)
Reproductive wastage in women with cervical carcinoma - Society of Gynecologic Oncologists of
1982: Human Infertility: The histologic diagnosis of pregnancy from endometrial biopsies(with Dr. J.Z.
Scott, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Alberta, Edmonton)- Canadian
Investigators in Reproduction, Toronto(June).
1983: Examination of tubal pathology in ectopic pregnancy: occult disease despite normal
laparoscopy(with Dr. K. Williams, Dr. J.Z. Scott and Dr. D.C. Cumming, Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, University of Alberta, Edmonton), Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of
Canada, Vancouver(June).
Tubo-ovarian abscess - a clinico-pathologic analysis of 14 cases (with Dr. C. Mayo, Resident in
Obstetrics AND Gynecology, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton), Vancouver(June).
1984: Mycoplasmal endometritis: correlation with cervical and endometrial bacteriology. D.C.
Cumming, L.H. Honoré and J.Z. Scott. First World Conference on Infectious Diseases and Human
Infertility, New York.
The late luteal phase in infertile women: comparison of simultaneous endometrial biopsy and
Progesterone levels. K.E. Williams, J.Z. Scott, L.H. Honoré and D.C. Cumming. Society of
Obstetricians and Gynecologist of Canada, Annual Meeting, Montreal.
Partial hydatidiform mole: a clinico-pathologic study of 30 cases. C. Mayo and L.H. Honoré.
Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologist of Canada, Annual Meeting, Montreal.
The pathology of human infertility. L.H. Honoré. Workshop presented at the Canadian Congress
of Laboratory Medicine, Halifax.
Effect of prophylactic cyclosporin on the development of insulin-dependent diabetes and
Lymphocyctic migration to targer organs. M.A. Jaworski and L.H. Honoré, Society for Pediatric
Reversal of cyclosporin prophylaxis and passive transfer of insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus(IDDM) in the BB rat with thymic or splenic lymphocytes. M.A. Jaworski and L.H.
Honoré, Seventh Internatinal Congress of Endocrinology, Quebec
1985: Acquisition in utero of genital mycoplasmas in the human fetus. L.H. Honoré and J.A. Robertson.
85th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas
A basic protocol for the laboratory investigation of human spontaneous abortion, L.H. Honoré
and J.A. Robertson. Second World Conference on Infectious Diseases and Human Infertility,
New York
Hydatidiform mole: Modern Concepts. L.H. Honoré. Research Seminar, Division of
Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Alberta, Edmonton
Intrauterine ascending infection in term and preterm infants. L.H. Honoré. 8th Annual Perinatal
Seminar, Misericordia Hospital, Edmonton.
Group discusssion: Prematurity and Infections, S.Effer, L.H. Honoré and P. Taylor. 8th Annual
Perinatal Seminar, Misericordia Hospital, Edmonton.
Seasonality and pregnancy wastage. L.H. Honoré and A.J. Cullimore. 41st Annual Meeting of the
Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, Jasper, Alberta.
Endosalpingeal endometriosis and tubal sterilization. W.R. Young and L.H. Honoré. 41st Annual
Meeting of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, Jasper, Alberta.
Pathology of human infertility. L.H. Honoré. Workshop presented at the Canadian
Congress of Laboratory of Medicine, Edmonton.
The intrauterine contraceptive device and hydtidiform mole: A negative association. L.H.
Honoré. Canadian Congres of Laboratory Medicine, Edmonton.
Downstream mucosal implantation: A neglected mode of spread of endometrial and ovarian
carcinoma. L.H. Honoré. Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Edmonton.
Morphologic study of holoprosencephaly and facial dysmorphia syndrome. G.H. Sperber, L.H.
Honoré, and E.S. Johnson, Joseph J. Bonner Memorial Workshop: "Mechanisms of craniofacial
and oral birth defects", Los Angeles.
Placental pathology in spontaneous abortion. L.H. Honoré. Visit(on invitation) to the
Embryofetopathology Unit, B.C. Children's Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.
Induction of insulin-dependent diabetes in diabetes-resistant BB rats. M.A Jaworski, L.D. Jewell
and L.H. Honoré. Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association, Baltimore, Maryland
Induction of diabetes mellitus in diabetes in diabetes-resistant BB rats. M.A Jaworski, L.D. Jewell
and L.H. Honoré. Annual Meeting of the International Diabetes Federation, Madrid, Spain
Cyclosporin prophylaxis induces long-term prevention and inhibits lymphocyctic infiltration in
target tissues in the BB rat. M.A Jaworski, L.D. Jewell and L.H. Honoré. Annual Meeting of the
International Diabetes Federation, Madrid, Spain
Progesterone receptor content in normal and out-of-phase endometrium. M.R. Fluker, W.R.
McBain, L.H. Honoré, J.Z. Scott and D.C. Cumming. Pacific Coast Fertility Society, Annual
Meeting, Las Vegas.
1986: The role of bacterial infection in pregnancy wastage. L.H. Honoré. Ninth Perinatal Seminar,
Misericordia Hospital, Edmonton.
Infection in pregnancy(group discussion). L.H. Honoré. Ninth Perinatal Seminar, Misericordia
Hospital, Edmonton.
Cyclopia syndrome: Pathology in an 8-week-old fetus. G.H. Sperber, L.H. Honoré, E.S. Johnson.
International Association of Dental Research, Annual Meeting, Amsterdam.
Neoplasms arising in paramesonephric parovarian cysts: A report of 24 cases. L.H. Honoré.
Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Kingston, Ontario.
Adenomyomatous polyp of endometrium: A clinicopathologic analysis of 18 cases. L.H.
Honoré. Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Kingston, Ontario.
Epididymal sarcoidosis: A case presentation. L.H. Honoré and J.B. Metcalfe. Canadian Congress
of Laboratory Medicine, Kingston, Ontario.
Pathology of infertility(Workshop): Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Kingston,
Regulation of hCG secretion in monolayer culture of hydatidiform mole. D.W. Morrish, O. Siu
and L.H. Honoré. The Endocrine Society, Annual Meeting.
Subacute focal endometritis(SFE): Association with cervical colonization with Ureaplasma
urealyticum (UU), pelvic pathology and endometrial maturation. N.W. Fahmy, L.H. Honoré, and
D.C. Cumming. American Fertility Society, Annual Meeting, Toronto.
Cytosolic and nuclear receptor content in normal and out-of-phase endometria in the late luteal
phase of the menstrual cycle(poster session). M.R. Fluker, W.A. McBain, L.H. Honoré, J.Z. Scott
and D.C. Cumming. American Fertility Society, Annual Meeting, Toronto.
The etiology of male infertility, L.H. Honoré. Sexuality and Health: New Look at an Old Subject.
Conference sponsored bt the Alberta Community and Occupational Health, Edmonton.
P.I.D. and sexually transmitted diseases in infertility. D.C. Cumming and L.H. Honoré.
Conference, Alberta Community and Occupational Health, Edmonton.
Subacute focal endometritis(poster session). D.C. Cumming and L.H. Honoré. Conference,
Alberta Community and Occupational Health, Edmonton.
Repeated early pregnancy loss: A distressing problem(poster session), D.C. Cumming and L.H.
Honoré. Conference, Alberta Community and Occupational Health, Edmonton
1987: The value of placental pathology in the evaluation of spontaneous abortions(formal lecture).
L.H. Honoré. Invited to Valley Children's Hospital, Fresno, California.
The pathology of the placenta and embryo/fetus in spontaneous abortion(informal discussions
and dissection demonstrations). L.H. Honoré. Valley Children's Hospital, Fresno, California.
Microinvasive germ cell carcinoma of the atrophic testis: A report of 2 cases. L.H. Honoré and
B.F. Rudrick. Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Quebec.
Gross examination of aborted tissues(lecture demonstration). Valley Children's Hospital, Fresno,
California: Invited visit to Department of Pathology.
Placental pathology in spontaneous abortions(informal presentation). Valley Children's
Hospital, Fresno, California: Invited visit to Department of Pathology.
Embryonic and fetal malformations(informal presentation). Valley Children's Hospital, Fresno,
California: Invited visit to Department of Pathology.
Craniofacial dysmorphism in triploidy. A report of 2 cases. G.H. Sperber, L.H. Honoré, E.S.
Johnson. International Dental Research Annual Meeting, Toronto.
Craniofacial anomalies in trisomy 13:(poster session) G.H. Sperber, L.H. Honoré, G. Machin, E.S.
Johnson. Neural Crest and Craniofacial Disorders, March of Dimes, Minneapolis.
Vaginal vault endometriosis(poster session). D.C. Cumming and L.H. Honoré. Canadian Fertility
Society, Quebec
Growth rates of human fetal heads. J. Pollard, G.H. Sperber, L.H. Honoré. Canadian Assocation
for Dental Research, Edmonton, 3rd Annual Midwest Section Meeting.
1988: Auxology of human fetal heads. J.M. Pollard, G.H. Sperber, L.H. Honoré. 66th General session
of International Association of Dental Research, Montreal.
Allometry of fetal craniofacial growth. J. Pollard, G.H. Sperber, L.H. Honoré. Research Advances
in Prenatal Craniofacial Development, Research. Triangle Park, North Carolina(poster session).
The incidence of genital mycoplasmas in reproductive dysfunction. J.A. Robertson and L.H.
Honoré. Seventh International Congress of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology,
Baden near Vienna, Austria
Occult endometrial carcinoma in postmenopausal uteri removed for "non-endometrial" reasons:
A study of 8 cases. C. Magnussen and L.H. Honoré. Annual Meeting of the Society of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, Vancouver.
Malignant lymphoma of ovary: A report of 6 cases. C. Macarthur and L.H. Honoré. Canadian
Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Winnipeg.
Intratunical Leydig cell ectopia in postpubertal cryptochidism: A clinicopathologic study of 5
cases. B.F. Rudrick and L.H. Honoré. Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Winnipeg.
Eosinophilic granular change in Sertoli cells of cryptorchid testes. A clinicopathologic analysis
of 8 cases. B.F. Rudrick and L.H. Honoré. Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Winnipeg.
Allometry of fetal craniofacial growth. G.H. Sperber and L.H. Honoré. VIII International
Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Rome, Italy.
Placental Pathology: An overview.(3 hour seminar by invitation). L.H. Honoré. Valley Medical
Center, Department of Pathology, Fresno, California.
The embryological basis of omphalocele and gastroschisis. L.H. Honoré. Guest particpant at
Mortality and Morbidity Rounds, Valley Children`s Hospital, Fresno, California.
Fetal and placental pathology in spontaneous abortion. Methods of examination and
interpretaion(lecture demonstrations). L.H. Honoré. Valley Children`s Hospital, Pathology
Department, Fresno, California.
Human spontaneous abortion: Genetic and non-genetic causes. L.H. Honoré. Valley Children`s
Hospital, Department of Cytogenetics, Fresno, California.
Placental pathology in spontaneous abortions: A mechanistic approach. L.H. Honoré,
Fourteenth Annual Conference of the American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants, San
Examination of placentas obtained from spontaneous abortions: A rational protocol. L.H.
Honoré. Fourteenth Annual Conference of the American Association of Pathologists` Assistants,
San Francisco.
Adenocarcinoma of the cervix: Similarities between risk factors in adenocarcinoma and
squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. M. Koch, L.H. Honoré, L. Brown. Heritage Days,
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.
Five cases of Trisomy 15 in frist trimester spontaneous abortion: gross and microscopic
pathology(poster). L.H. Honoré, CC Lin, JS Bamforth. Teratology Society Meeting, Richmond Virginia.
Spontaneous abortion with uncommon forms of Trisomy: A clinicopathologic study of fifteen
cases(poster). L.H. Honoré, CC Lin , JS Bamforth. Teratology Society Meeting, Richmond
A variant of omphalocele in spontaneously aborted human fetuses: Report of four
cases(poster). L.H. Honoré, CJ Curry. Teratology Society Meeting, Richmond Virginia.
1989: Female genital tuberculosis: A study of six cases. D Lynch-Salamon, L.H. Honoré. Society
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada: Annual Meeting, Quebec.
Pathologic findings in testes removed for treatment of prostatic carcinoma: A study of 80 cases.
BF Rudrick, L.H. Honoré. Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Ottawa.
Focal concurrence of homologous mixed Mullerian malignancy within ovarian and endometrial
carcinoma: a pathologic study of four cases. BF Rudrick, L.H. Honoré. Canadian Congress of
Laboratory Medicine, Ottawa.
Neoplasms arising in ovarian and pelvic endometriosis: A clinicopathologic study of seven cases.
L.H. Honoré and TA Corbett, Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Ottawa.
Significant prokaryotic microorganisms in tissues of spontaneous abortion. JA Robertson, L.H.
Honoré et al. 8th meeting, International Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Copenhagen,
Denmark, September .
Normal human trophoblast binds the hematopoietic growth gractor CSF-1. AR Turner, MI Garcia
Lloret, DW Morrish, L.H. Honoré, BF Mitchell, L Guilbert, Royal College Annual Meeting, Calgary.
Postmenopausal hyperandrogenism: A clinicopathologic study of four cases(poster). TF Corbett,
HD Mueller, L.H. Honoré DC Cumming, JZ Scott. Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society
Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.
Tubal reanastomosis for cornual occlusion: a retrospective study of 38 cases. Tf Corbett, DC
Cumming, JZ Scott, L.H. Honoré. Canadian Fertilityu and Andrology Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver B.C.
HPV and cervial condyloma and neoplasia. L.H. Honoré. Alberta Society of Cytoechnologists
First Annual Meeting, Edmonton
The development of the placenta and its relevance to placental pathology. L.H. Honoré. Annual
visit, Fresno Medical Center, Fresno, California.
1990: Placental pathology of human spontaneous abortion and stillbirth. L.H. Honoré. Workshop,
Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, St John's Newfoundland.
Non-gonocytic primary ovarian malignancies in women under 35 years of age. A. Kirby, L.H.
Honoré, Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, St John's Newfoundland.
Unusual presentations of endometrial carcinoma: a report of eight cases. L.H. Honoré, M. Bow,
Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, St John's Newfoundland.
Human sirenomelia: spectrum of abnormalities in five cases. L.H. Honoré, GA Machin, CJ Curry.
Teratology Society 30th Annual Meeting Victoria, B.C
Are human sex differences in rates of non-syndromic birth defects explained by sex differences
in embryologic maturation ? CP Torfs, CJ Curry, L.H. Honoré. Teratology Society 30th Annual
Meeting Victoria, B.C.
Non-molar triploidy in human abortuses: a pathologic study of 8 cases. L.H. Honoré, GA
Machin, CC Lin, CJ Curry. Teratology Society 30th Annual Meeting Victoria, B.C.
Spontaneous abortion in pregnancies following ovulation induction in infertile women. a report
of 21 cases. L.H. Honoré, GA Machin, CC Lin, Teratology Society 30th Annual Meeting Victoria, B.C.
Exstrophy of the cloaca and its variants. CJ Curry, L.H. Honoré, et al. David Smith
Dysmorphology Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Hyperplacentosis: a new cause of hyperthyroidism. RZ Lewanczuk, L.H. Honoré et al. Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Annual Meeting, Edmonton.
The pathology of hydatidiform moles. L.H. Honoré. Prairie Genetics Meeting, Red Deer, Alberta.
1991: Ventral wall defects: embryological basis(short seminar). California Birth Defects Monitoring
Program, Emoryville, California(by invitation).
Placental pathology of human abortion and stillbirth(Workshop), L.H. Honoré , Canadian
Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Vancouver, BC
First trimester spontaneous abortions associated with trisomies 13, 18, and 21. A pathologic
analysis of 11 cases. L.H. Honoré, CC Lin. Teratology Society Annual Meeting, Boca Raton,
Tetraploidy in spontaneous abortion: A pathologic study of 7 cases. L.H. Honoré, CC Lin.
Teratology Society Annual Meeting, Boca Raton, Florida.
Serotype 3 of Ureaplasma urealyticum is associated with human spontaneous abortion of
infectious etiology. JA Robertson, L.H. Honoré, GW Stemke, et al. American Sociery of
Microbiology Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas.
Computerized 3-dimensional reconstruction of fetal symmelia. J Dabbagh, G. Sperber, G
Machin, LH Honoré(poster). Second International workshop of Fetal Genetic Pathology, Big Sky,
Prokaryotes in intauterine death and neonatal death: A case-control study. SJ Ng, L.H. Honoré,
LD Saunders, JA Robertson, International Society for STD research, Banff, Alberta
Genetic counselling in spontaneous abortion: CJR Curry, L Springer, K Jensen, C Yu, L.H. Honoré,
8th International Congress of Human Genetics, Washington DC.
Evaluation of pregnancy loss in fetuses less than 20 weeks gestation. CJR Curry, L. Arabian, L.
Springer, K Jensen, L.H. Honoré. David W. Smith Annual Meeting California.
Placentogenesis and its relevance to fetal problems. Seminar given to staff of Child Health and
Development studies. Berkeley, California.
Infectious etiology of intrauterine death and neonatal death with emphasis on ureaplasma
urealyticum. JA Robertson, L.H. Honoré, S Ng, LD Saunders, International Symposium on the
Changing Roles of Mycoplasmas in Respiratory Diseases and AIDS, Scottsdale, Arizona
Ovarian cancer and early health seeking experience. K Olson, L.H. Honoré. A Van der Klaauw,
International Nursing Research Meeting, Edmonton
1992: Placental pathology of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth. L.H. Honoré. Workshop. Canadian
Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Toronto
Gonosomal mosaicism in aborted human fetuses: a report of 5 cases. P Sekhon, CC Lin, CJR
Curry, L.H. Honoré, Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Toronto
Sex reversal in humans: a report of 2 cases. P Sekhon, CC Lin, CJR Curry, L.H. Honoré. Canadian
Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Toronto
Occult endometrial carcinoma diagnosed pathologically in uteri excised for benign disease: a
report of 13 cases. J Slatnik, L.H. Honoré. Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Toronto
Borderline ovarian surface serous papillary tumors: a study of 2 cases. J Slatnik, L.H. Honoré.
Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Toronto
The identificationof trends in the incidence and survival of primary ovarian malignancies in
Northern Alberta by age, stage, and morphology, 1977-1989. K Olson, J Berkel, L.H. Honoré.
International Association of Cancer Registries Annual Meeting, Ottawa.
Uncommon karyotypes in 11 spontaneously or electively aborted previable fetuses: Conceptus
morphology, Poster presentation. L.H. Honoré, P Sekhon, CC Lin. Clinical Genetics Meeting,
Stanford, California.
Analysis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia(CDH) and associated structural defects. Poster
presentation. L.H. Honoré, C Torfs, C Curry, Clinical Genetics Meeting, Stanford, California.
HPV DNA detection in patients with CINI: A comparison of blot dot hybridization (DBH) and PCR
amplification. MA Duggan, SE McGregor, M Inoue, GCE Stuart, A Schepansky, L.H. Honoré,
Human Papilloma Virus Conference, Chicago.
Craniofacial growth of fetuses with trisomy 21: a preliminary anthropometric analysis. P
Sekhon, L.H. Honoré. Craniofacial Development and Anomalies: A 2 day International
Conference, Edmonton.
1993: The phenotypic features of trisomy 22 in first trimester spontaneous abortions: a study of 7
cases. P Sekhon, L.H. Honoré, CC Lin. Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Banff,
Benign epidermoid cysts of the ovary: A report of 8 cases. S Christiansen, L.H. Honoré, Canadian
Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Banff, Alberta.
Diastasis recti in previable fetuses: Its relationship to autosomal trisomy. P Sekhon, CJ Curry, CC
Lin, L.H. Honoré. Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Banff, Alberta.
Adenoma malignum of cervix: A clinicopathologic study of 7 cases. J Slatnik, L.H, Honoré.
Canadian Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Banff, Alberta.
Carcinoma in situ of the fallopian tube: A report of 4 cases. J Slatnik, L.H, Honoré. Canadian
Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Banff, Alberta.
Congenital absence of the clitoris(aclitoridia): A report of 5 cases(Poster). L.H. Honoré, P
Sekhon, CJ Curry, Annual Meeting of the Teratology Society, Tucson, Arizona.
The essential role of placental examination in the diagnosis of the amniotic band syndrome: A
study of 23 cases(Poster). L.H. Honoré, P Sekhon, CJ Curry, Annual Meeting of the Teratology
Society, Tucson, Arizona.
The HPV status of screening-detected CIN1 examined by colposcopy(Poster). MA DUggan, SE
McGregor, GCE Stuart, M Inoue, A Schepanksy, L.H. Honoré,. XII International Papilloma Virus
Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, (also presented at the Alberta Cancer Board Annual Research
Meeting November).
1994: Uncommon primary epithelial tumors of the vulva: A clinicopahologic study of 9 cases. Girgis S,
L.H. Honoré, Annual Meeting, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Toronto,
September 16.
The embryology of the urogenital system: An analytical approach, L.H. Honoré, California Birth
Defects Monitoring Program, Emoryville, California
The placenta and intrauterine transmission of HIV. Combined interview with Dr. LA Gilbert and
Dr. L.H. Honoré(in French). CBXFT Channel 12, Edmonton, Alberta, September 1.
Pathologically detected malignancy in cervical polyps: A clinicopathologic study of 8 cases.
Annual Meeting, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Toronto, september 16;
Followed by interview for Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Nonteratomatous squamous cell carinoma of ovary: A clinicopathologic study of 5 cases: J
Slatnik, L.H. Honoré. Annual meeting, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada,
Toronto, september 16.
Identification of a centromeric exchange of acrocentric chromosomes by fluorescence in situ by
hybridization. Yu, Immken, Curry, Honoré. Annual meeting, American Sociery of Medical
Genetics, Montreal, October 1.
The natural history of C1N1 lesions at six months of colposcopic follow-up. Duggan, Honoré,
Inoue, McGregor,Stuart, Schepansky. 13th International Papillomavirus Conference,
Amsterdam, October 8-12.
Clinical, Pathological, risk factor and HPV status characteristics of women with colposcopically
confirmed C1N1. Duggan, Honoré, Inoue, McGregor, Stuart, Schepansky. 13th International
Papillomavirus Conference, Amsterdam, October 8-12.
1995: Cervical small cell carcinoma: A clinical, cytologic, pathologic and flow-cytometric study of 7
cases. Girgis S, Gray JA, Dabbagh L, Honoré, LH. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Canada, Toronto, september 16.
Adenosquamous carcinoma in situ of the cervix: A clinical, cytological and pathological study of
10 cases. Wenzel D, Wong-Chao H, Honoré LH. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Canada, Toronto, September 16.
Villoglandular carcinoma of the cervix: A clinical, pathologic and flow cytometric study of 11
cases. Straathoff D, Thurber D, Dabbagh L, Honoré LH. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Canada, Toronto, September 16.
Are Down syndrome and omphalocele associated defects ? (Poster). Honoré LH, Bateson TF,
Curry CJR. American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting, Minneapolis, October.
1996: A comparison of Ureaplasma biovars detemined by PCR and by prediction based on serovar.
Robertson JA, Honoré LH, Zinner CL, Jenkins H, Stemke GW. American Society of Microbiology
general meeting, New Orleans, May.
The HPV status of screening detected C1N1. Duggan MA, Stuart GCE, Schepansky A, Honoré LH.
9th World Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, Sydney, Australia, May.
The impact of "immune rejection" on embryonic/fetal growth: a pathologic study of 25
cytogenetically documented diploid conceptuses from 23 recurrent spontaneous aborters.
Honoré LH. The 13th Rochester Trophoblast Conference and the Thomas G. Wegman Memorial
Symposium on Reproductive Immunology, Banff, Alberta, September.
Ciliated carcinoma of endometrium: A pathologic study of 6 cases. Viero S, MArysyk H, Honoré
LH: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada annual meeting, Halifax, N.S.,
An analysis of the impact of pathology review in gynecological cancer. Chafe S, Honoré LH,
Pearcey R, Capstick V. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada annual meeting,
Halifax, N.S., September
1997: Low pregnancy body mass index is a risk for the birth of an infant with gastroschisis(abstract
presentation). Torfs CP, Honoré LH. Society for Pediatric Epidemiologic Research, Edmonton,
June 10, 1997.
Predictors of CIN 1 regression(poster presentation). 16th International Papillomavirus
conferences, Siena, September 5, 1997
Histogenesis of Ovarian Tumors, L.H. Honoré. Annual meeting of Gynecologic Oncology and
Surgery, Calgary, September 17, 1997
Primary tubal carcinoma: a pathologic, immunohistochemical, flow cytometric and
ultrastructural study of 20 cases. Annual meeting of the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada, Vancouver, September 26, 1997.
Endometrial malignant Mullerian tumor: pathologic analysisof 20 cases. Annual meeting of the
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Vancouver, September 26, 1997.
Analysis of pathologic risk factors for intramyometrial lymph-vascular space(LVS)
involvement in myoinvasive endometrial carcinoma, Annual meeting of
the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Vancouver, September 26, 1997.
The accuracy of CIN 1 Pap test results(poster presentation). American Society of Cytopathology,
November 4, 1997.
1998: Honoré LH: Pathologie du placenta aneuploide chez l'humain. Unite INSERM 427, Faculté de
Pharmacie, Université René Descartes, Paris, France, June 22, 1998.
Honoré LH: Small cell carcinoma of the cervix. Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
Congress, Edmonton, June 24, 1998
Doyle JSG, Honoré LH, Lin CC, Curry CJR: Fetal and embryonic phenotypes in molar and non-
molar triploid human abortuses: A pathologic study of 61 cases. Annual meeting of the Royal College
of physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Toronto, September 26, 1998.
1999: Khandaroo RG, Honoré LH: Fetus-in-fetu presenting as cystic meconium peritonitis: diagnosis,
pathology and Surgical treatment(oral presentation). 31st Annual Meeting of the Canadian
Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Montreal, September 24, 1999
Honoré LH, S. Andrew: Microsatellite instability and MLH1 hypermethylation in endometrial
carcinomas of the endometrioid subtype(poster). 49th Annual meeting of the American Society
of Human Genetics, San Francisco, October 21, 1999
2000 Honoré LH, S. Andrew: Microsatellite instability and MLH1 hypermethylation in endometrial
carcinomas of the endometrioid sybtype(poster). Annual Meeting of the American Association
of Cancer Research, San Francisco, April 3, 2000
Honoré LH: How unstable is endometrial carcinoma ? Oncology Rounds, Cross Cancer Institute,
Edmonton, April 25, 2000.
Honoré LH: Microsatellite instability(MSI) in endometrial carcinoma(poster) Annual Alberta
Cancer Board Research Meeting, Banff, November 20, 2000.
Honoré LH and J. Hanson: Statistical Analysis of risk factors for intramyometrial lymph-vascular
space(LVS) involvement in myoinvasive endometrial carcinoma(poster). Annual Alberta Cancer
Board Research Meeting, Banff, November 20, 2000.
2001: Honoré LH: Research and clinical applications of flow cytometry in gynecological and placental
pathology. Dynacare Kasper Medical Laboratories Histology Educational Seminar, Edmonton,
June 3, 2001.
Honoré LH: Tracking the spread of endometrial carcinoma: The role of the surgical pathologist.
University of Alberta and University of Calgary, 1st Surgical Pathology Update Course, Banff,
September 6, 2001.
2003: Honoré LH: Why is the cervix so susceptible to HPV carcinogenesis ? Annual Meeting of the
Alberta Society of Cytotechnologists, Edmonton.
1. Physiologie Articulaire, by I.A. Kapandji, (Librairie Maloine, S.A., Paris).Publications:
The Physiology of the Joints, 1st Edition 1970-1974
The Physiology of the Joints, Vol 1, Revised 5th Edition(1980).
The Physiology of the Joints, Vol 2, Revised 5th Edition(1984).
The Physiology of the Joints, Vol 3, Revised 8th Edition(1986).
The Physiology of the Joints, Vol 2, Revised 5th Edition(1987).
The Physiology of the Joints, Vols 1-3, Revised 6th Edition(2006-2009)
2. "The Role of muscle advancement in the surgical treatment of cuff rupture" in The Shoulder,
editor J.S. Watson, Churchill Livingstone, May-June 1988.
3. Technique Ostéopathique Crânienne, Alain Gehin 2006.
4. Atlas d'Anatomie Palpatoire(vols 1 and 2), Serge Tixa, 2006.
1. Honoré, L.H. and S.M. Lloyd. Posterior lobe hormones on the vascular response of the
male rat after castration. J. Physiol. 155: 61 p, 1961.
2. Honoré, L.H. and S.M. Lloyd. The effects of castration on the vascular response of male
rats to posterior pituitary hormones. J. Physiol. 159: 183, 1961.
3. Honoré, L.H. The effects of single doses of DOCA and cortisone on the vacular response
of female rats to posterior pituitary hormones. Quart. J. Exp. Phys. 47: 334, 1962.
4. Honoré, L.H. The Vascular response of male rats to the posterior pituitary hormones
after treatment with DOCA and cortisone. Quart. J. Exp. Phys. 47: 345, 1962.
5. Honoré, L.H. and D.L. Gardner. ALtered vascular reactivity of rats with adrenal-
regeneration hypertension. Experentia 18: 419, 1962.
6. Honoré, L.H. Vascular responses of male and female rats to vasopressin and oxytocin
following single doses of testosterone propionate. Quart. J. Exp. Phys. 49: 15, 1964.
7,8. Gardner, D.L. and L.H. Honoré. The vascular response of male rats during adrenal
regeneration hypertension.
I. Polypeptides. Arch Int. Pharmacodyn. 150: 492, 1964.
II. Catecholamines and Acetycholine. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 150: 504, 1964.
9,10. Gardner, D.L. and L.H. Honoré.. Cardiovascular reactivity of rats during the development
of salt hypertension.
I. The response of polypeptides. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 164: 173, 1966.
II. The response of adrenaline, noradrenaline and acetycholine, Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn.
164: 182, 1966.
11. Honoré, L.H.(introduced by S.M. Friedman). A differential staing for noradrenaline- and
adrenaline-producing cells of the rat adrenal medulla. Proc. Canad. Fed. Biol. Societies.
14(Abstract 223): 60, 1971.
12. Honoré, L.H. A light microscopic method for the differentiation of noradrenaline- and
adrenaline-producing cells of the rat adrenal medulla. J. Histocthem. Cytochem. 19:
483, 1971.
13. Friedman, S.M., Honoré, L.H. and C.L. Friedman. The cortico-medullary zone of the
adrenal and the hypertensive process. In HYPERTENSION 1972. Eds. J. Genest and E.
Kiow, 375-383.
14. Honoré, L.H., F.J. Dill and B.J. Poland. The association of hydratidiform mole and trisomy
2. Obstet. Gynecol. 43: 232, 1974.
15. Gillanders, C.A., A.J. Worth and L.H. Honoré. Ceruminous adenoma of the middle ear.
Can. J. Otolaryngol. 3: 194, 1974.
16. Lowry, R.B., L.H. Honoré, W.J.D. Arnold, H.W. Johnson, M.R. Kliman and R.H. Marshall.
Familial true hermaphroditism. Birth Defects. Vol. XI (4): 105, 1975.
17. Honoré, L.H. and G.U. Coleman. Solitary epididymal Schistosmiasis. Can. J. Surg. 18:
479, 1975.
18. Honoré, L.H. and L.D. Sullivan, Intratesticular leiomyoma: A case report with discussion
of the differential diagnosis and histogenesis. J. Urol. 114: 631, 1975.
19. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Combined adreno-renal fusion and adreno-hepatic
adhesion : A case report with review of the literature and discussion of pathogenesis. J.
Urol. 115: 323, 1976.
20. Honoré, L.H. and K.G. Nickerson. Papillary serous cystadenoma arising in a
paramesonephric cyst of the parovarium. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 125: 870.
21. Honoré, L.H. and I.P. Dunnett. Leiomyoma of the fallopian tube: A case report and
review of the literature. Arch. Gynak. 221: 47, 1976
22. Honoré, L.H. Mid-trimester prosaglandin-induced abortion : gross and light microscopic
findings in the placenta. Prostaglandins 11: 1019, 1976.
23. Honoré, L.H. and P.J. Moloney. Malignant germ-cell tumor of the testis: spontaneous
regression of pulmonary metastases with 7-year survival. J Urol. 16: 382, 1976.
24. Honoré, L.H., F.J. Dill and B.J. Poland. Placental morphology in spontaneous human
abortuses with normal and abnormal karyotypes. Teratology 14: 151, 1976.
25. Honoré, L.H. The mechanism of mid-trimester abortion induced by intra-amniotic
instillation of hypertonic saline: A modification of Gustavii's lysosomal hypothesis.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 126: 1011, 1976.
26. Honoré, L.H. and G.W. Korn. Co-existence of tubal ectopic pregnancy and adenomatoid
tumor. J. Reprod. Med. 17: 342, 1976.
27. Honoré, L.H. and K.G. Nickerson. Combined intrauterine and tubal ectopic pregnancy :
A possible case of superfetation. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 127: 885, 1977.
28. Honoré, L.H. Uterine leiomyoma with hemangiopericytomatous foci: Histogenetic
implications. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 127: 891, 1977.
29. Honoré, L.H., R.E. Robbins and R.H. Taylor. Leiomyosarcoma of the right ovarian vein.
Angiology 10: 13, 1977.
30. Honoré, L.H. Secretory endometrium associated with breakthrough bleeding in
estrogen-treated postmenopausal women. Europ. J. Obstet, Gynec. Reprod. Biol. 7;
141, 1977
31. Honoré, L.H. Aging changes in the human testis - A light microscopic study. Gerontology
24: 58, 1978.
32. Honoré, L.H. Salpingitis isthmica nodosa in female infertility and ectopic tubal
pregnancy. Fertil. Steril. 27: 164, 1978.
33. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Asymptomatic bilateral hypernephroma : Report of a case
with discussion of etiologic factors. J. Urol. 119: 124, 1978.
34. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Incidental pregnancy luteoma associated with ectopic
tubo-ovarian pregnancy: Evidence in favor of origin from theca interna of an atretic
follicle. Europ. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 8: 61, 1978.
35. Honoré, L.H. Unilateral anorchism: A report of eleven cases with discussion of etiology
and pathogenesis. Urology 11: 251, 1978.
36. Honoré, L.H. Postpubertal untreated cryptorchidism : Anatomical relationship between
Leydig cells and tubular sclerosis. Urol. Int. 33: 245, 1978.
37. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Benign enlargement of the labia minora: Report of two
cases. Europ. j. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 8: 61, 1978.
38. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara.. Failed tubal sterilization as an etiologic factor in ectopic
tubal pregnancy. Fertil. Steril. 20: 500, 1978.
39. Honoré, L.H. Non-Specific peritesticular fibrosis presenting as testicular enlargement : A
clinico-pathologic study of nine cases. Arch. Surg. 113: 814, 1978.
40. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Symptomatic plexiform tumor of the myometrium:
Report of a case. Europ. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 8: 119, 1978.
41. Honoré, L.H.Tubal ectopic pregnancy with contralateral corpus luteum: A report of five
cases. J. Reprod. Med. 21: 269, 1978.
42. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Serum alkaline phosphatase levels in patients with
endometrial carcinoma and hyperplasia: A re-evaluation. Clin. Oncol.4: 153, 1978.
43. Honoré, L.H. Uncommon benign scrotal masses: A report of ten cases. The Practitioner
221: 632, 1978.
44. Honoré, L.H. Synchronous multiple fibroadenomas of the female breast. Nfld. Med. J.
XX(4): 19, 1978.
45. Honoré, L.H. Salpingitis isthmica nodosa(Letter to the Editor). Fertil. Steril. 30: 247, 198
46. Honoré, L.H. the neural crest origin of APUD cells(Letter to the Editor). J. Urol. 120: 247,
47. Honoré, L.H. Uterine fibroliopleiomyoma : Report of a case with discussion of
histogenesis. Am J. Obstet. Gynecol. 132: 635, 1978.
48. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Adenoma of the Bartholin gland : A report of three cases.
Europ. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 8: 335, 1978.
49. Honoré, L.H. Testicular schistosomiasis(Letter to the Editor). Urology 12: 492, 1978.
50. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Benign mucocele of the vermiform appendix secondary to
segmental luminal obliteration : Report of a case. Am J. Gastroenterol. 70: 660, 1978.
51. Honoré, L.H. Testicular biopsy fof infertility : A review of sixty-eight cases with a
simplified histologic classification of lesions. Int. J. Fertil. 24: 49, 1979.
52. Honoré, L.H., H.J. Blackwood and K.E. O'Hara. Primary branchiogenic carcinoma : A case
report, ENT Journal 58: 11, 1979.
53. Honoré, L.H. Benign obstructive myxometra: Report of a case. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.
133: 227, 1979.
54. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Ovarian hilus cell heterotopia. Obstet. Gynecol. 53: 461,
55. Honoré, L.H. Hydatidiform mole (Letter to the Editor). Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 133: 233,
56. Honoré, L.H., A.S. Lewis and K.E. O'Hara. Gastritis glandularis et cystica profunda : A
report of three cases with discussion of etiology and pathogenesis. Dig. Dis. Sci. 24: 48,
57. Honoré, L.H. An unusual malformation of the vermiform appendix simulating
endometriosis: A case report with discussion of differential diagnosis. Dis. Col. Rect. 22:
262, 1979.
58. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O`Hara. Adenomatoid tumor of the fimbrial endosalpinx: Report of
two cases with discussion of histogenesis. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod.
Biol. 9: 335, 1979.
59. Honoré, L.H. Early human pregnancy with the intrauterine device in situ: Incidence of
heteroploidy. Teratology 20: 3, 1979.
60. Honoré, L.H. Cholelithiasis and hiatus hernia(Letter). Lancet: 927, 1979.
61. Honoré, L.H. Breast Cancer in young women(Letter). Brit. Med. J. II: 1563, 1979.
62. Honoré, L.H. Iron-deficiency anemia without localizing intestinal signs and symptoms :
An important indicator of carcinoma of the right colon after age fifty. Nfld. Med. Assoc.
J. XXI(2): 26, 1979.
63. Honoré, L.H. Transient postoperative hypertension : Role of obesity and oral
contraceptives(Letter). J. Roy, Soc. Med. 72: 543, 1979.
64. Honoré, L.H. A significant association between spontaneous abortion and tubal ectopic
pregnancy. Fertil. Steril. 32: 401, 1979.
65. Honoré, L.H. Blighted ovum syndrome(Letter). Fertil. Steril. 32: 349, 1979.
66. Honoré, L.H. Sympotmatic gallbladder disease in the elderly : A clinico-pathologic
analysis of 66 cases. Nfld. Med. Assoc. J. XXI(3): 25, 1979,.
67. Honoré, L.H. Menorrhagia, diffuse myometrial hyertrophy and the intra-uterine
contraceptive device: A report of 14 cases. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 58: 283, 1979.
68. Honoré, L.H. Uterine mesothelioma(Letter to the Editor). Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 135:
162, 1979.
69. Honoré, L.H. Twinning in post-pill spontaneous abortions(Letter). Am. J. Obstet.
Gynecol. 185: 700, 1979.
70. Honoré, L.H. Mammography in women with treated hypothyroidism(Letter). Am J.
Roentgenol. 133: 1209, 1979
71. Honoré, L.H. Fatty metaplasia in a postpubertal undescended testis : A case report. J.
Urol. 122: 841, 1979.
72. Honoré, L.H. The increased incidence of renal stones in women with spontaneous
abortion: A retrospective study. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 137: 145, 1980.
73. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Hypernephroma with localized perirenal hemorrhage:
Report of two cases with a note on the clinical presentation. Urology 16: 76, 1980.
74. Honoré, L.H. Asymptomatic retroperitoneal dermoid cyst(benign cystic teratoma) in a
68-year-old male: An autopsy case report. J. Surg. Oncol. 14: 1, 1980.
75. Honoré, L.H. Ovarian hemorrhage complicating chronic anticoagulant therapy in a
young woman. Western J. Med. 132: 460, 1980.
76. Honoré, L.H. Endometriosis of Meckel's deverticulum associated with intestinal
obstruction : A case report. Am. J. Proctol. 31: 2, 1980.
77. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Subcapsular adipocytic infiltration of the human ovary : A
clinico-pathologic study of eight cases. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 10: 13,
78. Honoré, L.H. Obesity, parity and oral contraceptive use and cholesterol cholelithiasis in
adolescent females : A retrospective study of 31 cases. Arch. Surg. 115: 62, 1980.
79. Honoré, L.H. Benign cystic dyplasia of the adrenal glands in a case of prune-belly
syndrome. J. Urol. 123: 562, 1980.
80. Honoré, L.H. The Obstetric history of young women with symptomatic cholesterol
cholelithiasis. Nfld. Med. Assoc. J. XXII(1): 12, 1980.
81. Honoré, L.H. Long-term phenobarbital theray does not protect against cholesterol in
cholelithiasis in humans: A retrospective study. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 20: 338, 1980.
82. Honoré, L.H. Splenic abscess successfully treated by surgery : A case report with a note
on etiology and pathogenesis. Nfld. Med. Assoc. J. XXII(1): 9, 1980.
83. Honoré, L.H. Ovarian serous cystadenofibroma of borderline malignancy : Report of two
cases. Gynecol. Oncol. 9: 220, 1980.
84. Honoré, L.H. Papillary carcinoma arising in a papillary cystadenoma of thyroid : A case
report. J. Surg. Oncol. 14: 105, 1980.
85. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O'Hara. Diverticulosis and acute diverticulitis of the vermiform
appendix : Report of three cases with a note on etiology and pathogenesis. J. Abdom.
Surg. 22: 48, 1980.
86. Honoré, L.H. The lack of a positive association between symptomatic cholesterol
cholelithiasis and clinical diabetes mellitus : A retrospective study. J. Chron. Dis. 33:
465, 1980.
87. Honoré, L.H. Adipocytic metaplasia associated with idiopathic vaginal adenosis: A case
report. Austr. N.Z. J.Ostet Gynecol. 20: 129, 1980.
88. Honoré, L.H. A significant association between symptomatic cholesterol cholelithiasis
and duodenal ulcer in women: A retrospective study. Nfld. Med. Asso. J. XXII (1): 15,
89. Honoré, L.H. The intrauterine device and heteroploidy in human spontaneous
abortions. Contraception 21 : 48, 1980.
90. Honoré, L.H. Metastatic carcinoma in axillary lymph nodes without pathologic evidence
of a primary mammary lesion: A case report. J. Surg. Oncol. 14: 295, 1980.
91. Honoré, L.H. Metachronous primary carcinoma of small bowel following resected
colorectal carcinoma : A report of three cases. J. Surg. Oncol. 14: 341, 1980.
92. Honoré, L.H. Increased incidencce of symptomatic cholesterol cholethiasis
inperimenopausal women receiving estrogen replacement therapy : A retrospective
study. J Reprod. Med. 25: 187, 1980.
93. Honoré, L.H. and K.E. O`Hara. Serous papillary neoplasms in paramesonephric
parovarian cysts: A report of eight cases. Acta. Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 59: 525, 1980.
94. Honoré, L.H. Obesity and symptomatic cholesterol cholelithiasis in young men: A
retrospective study, Nfld. Med Assoc. J. XXII (3): 4, 1980.
95. Honoré, L.H. Anal gland adenocarcinoma presenting as painless scrotal swelling in a 73-
year-old man : A case report.J. Surg. Oncol. 15:201, 1980.
96. Honoré, L.H. amd K.E. O`Hara. Intralymphatic metastatic carcinoma of the female breast
simulating a second contralateral primary. Am. Surgeon 46: 535, 1980.
97. Honoré, L.H. Parauterine leiomyomas in women: A clinico-pathologic study of 22 cases.
Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 11: 273, 1981.
98. Honoré, L.H. Combined suppurative and non-caseating granulomatous oophoritis with
ileitis(Crohn`s Disease). Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 12: 91, 1981.
99. Honoré, L.H. A significant association between symptomatic cholesterol cholelithiasis
and treated hypothyroidism in women. J. Med. 12: 199, 1981.
100. Honoré, L.H. Asymptomatic granulomatous inflammation of the internal genitalia in
clinical sarcoidosis: A case report. Austr. N.Z. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 21: 188, 1981.
101. Honoré, L.H. Partial small bowel obstruction due to retractile mesenteritis. South. Med.
J. 74: 23, 1981.
102. Honoré, L.H. and C. Waters. Pregnancy interruption in mice with a single intravenous
injection of an activity derived from rabbit serum. J. Reprod. Immunol. (Supplement),
S41, 1981 (ABSTRACT).
103. Honoré, L.H. Synchronous carcinoma of sigmoid and multiple carcinomas of
extrahepatic bile ducts. Am. Surgeon 47: 279, 1981.
104. Honoré, L.H. Early Crohn`s distal ileitis, acute appendicitis and carcinoma of the proximal
transverse colon in a 39-year-old woman : A case report. Am J. Proctol. Gastroent. &
Colon and Rectum Surgery 13: 6, 1982.
105. Honoré, L.H. Basal body temperature (Letter to the Editor). Fertil. Steril. 37: 585, 1982.
106. Honoré, L.H. Postpubertal cryptorchidism : Eosinophilic granular change in Sertoli cells.
Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 107: 664, 1983.
107. Honoré, L.H. Asymptomatic renal carcinoma associated with severe obstructive
hydronephrosis. Brit. J. Urology 56: 333, 1984.
108. Cumming, D.C., Honoré, L.H., J.Z. Scott. Mycoplasmal endometritis : correlation with
cervical and endometrial bacteriology. Infertility 7: 203, 1984.
109. Honoré, L.H. Placental candidiasis : A report of two cases, one with the IUCD in situ.
Contraception 30: 555, 1984,
110. Honoré, L.H. Intra-adrenal hepatic heteropia. J. Urol. 133- : 652, 1985.
111. Honoré, L.H.: The negative effect of the IUCD on the occurrence of heteroploidy-
correlated abnormalities in spontaneous abortions: An update. Contraception 31: 253,
112. Honoré, L.H. and Barr, J. S.: Cul de Sac fibrothecoma simulating a parasitic fibroid. Anst.
N.Z. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 25: 136, 1985.
113. Cumming, D.C., Honoré, L.H., Scott, J.Z. and Williams, K.P.: The late luteal phase in
infertile women: Comparison of simultaneous endometrial biopsy and progesterone
levels. Fertil. Steril. 43: 715, 1985.
114. Dick, H.M. and Honoré, L.H.: Dental Structures in benign ovarian cystic
teratomas(dermoid cysts). Oral Surg., Oral Med., Oral Pathol. 60: 299, 1985.
115. Honoré, L.H. and Robertson, J.A. : A basic protocol for the laboratory investigation of
human spontaneous abortion. Infertility 8: 227, 1985.
116. Honoré, L.H. and Reid D. W. J.: Uncomplicated spontaneous expulsion of a uterine
leiomyoma postpartum. A case report. J. Reprod. Med. 30: 358, 1985.
117. Waters C.A. , Singh B, and Honoré, L.H.: An activity derived from rabbit serum causing
interruption of pregnancy in mice. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. Microbiol. 7: 7, 1985.
118. Robertson, J.A., Honoré, L.H., and Stemke, G.W.: Serotypes of Ureaplasma urealyticum
in spontaneous abortion. Pediatric Infectious Dis. 5: S270, 1986.
119. Honoré, L.H., Salkie, M.L. and Jajczay, F.L.: The influence of anatomical site and
hormonal status on the copper and zinc levels of human uterine smooth muscle. Clin.
Biochem. 19: 46, 1986.
120. Salkie, M.L., Honoré, L.H. and Jajczay, F.L.: The copper and zinc content of human
leiomyomas. Gyn. Obst. Inv. 21: 208, 1986.
121. Honoré, L.H.: The intrauterine contraceptive device and hydatidiform mole: A negative
association. Contraception 34: 213, 1986.
122. Sperber, G.H., Honoré, L.H., Johnson, E.S.: Acalvaria, holoprosencephaly and facial
dysmorphism syndrome. J Craniofac Genet Dev Bio, Suppl. 2, 319, 1986.
123. Fahmy, N.W., Honoré, L.H., Cumming, D.C.: Subacute focal endometritis: Association
with cervical colonization with Ureaplasma urealyticum, pelvic pathology, and
endometrial maturation, J Reprod Med 32: 685, 1987.
124. Jaworski, M.A., Honoré. L.H., Jewell, L.D., Mehta, J.G., McGuire-Clark, P., Schouls, J.J.,
Yap, w.: Cyclosporin prophylaxis induces long-term prevention of diabetes and inhibits
lymphocytic infiltration in multiple target tissues in the high risk BB rat. Diabetes Res 3:
1, 1986.
125. Sperber, G.H., Honoré, L.H., and Johnson, E.S.: Synophthalmia(cyclopia) in an 8 week
old fetus. J Craniofacial Genet Dev biol 1: 7-16, 1987.
126. Jaworski, M.A., Honoré. L.H., Jewell, L.D. et al.: Immuno-suppression in autoimmune
disease: The double-edged sword. Clinical Inv. Med. 10: 488-495, 1987.
127. Honoré. L.H.: Recurrent partial hydatidiform mole: Report of a case. Am J Obstet
Gynecol 156: 922-924, 1987.
128. Honoré. L.H., Morrish, D.W. and Lin, C.C.: Recurrent partial hydatidiform mole. (Letter to
the Editor). Am J Obstet Gynecol 159: 442, 1988.
129. Cumming, D.C., Honoré, L.H., Dunlop, D.L. and Scott, J.Z.: Uterine adenomyoma
associated with infertility: Report of three cases. J Reprod Med 33: 331, 1988.
130. Sperber, G.H., Honoré, L.H., and Machin, G.A.: Microscopic study of holoprosencephalic
anomalies in trisomy 13 fetuses. Am j Med Genet 32: 443, 1989
131. Honoré, L.H. and Davey S.J.: Endometrial carcinoma in young women. A report of 4
cases. J Reprod Med 34: 845, 1989.
132. Robertson, J.A. and Honoré, L.H.: The incidence of genital mycoplasma in reproductive
dysfunction. Zbl Bakt Suppl 20: 750-752, 1990.
133. Robertson, J.A., Honoré, L.H., and Kakulphimp, J: The isolation of prokaryotes from
tissues of abortion. Zbl Bakt Suppl 20: 753-756, 1990.
134. Curry C.J.R. and Honoré, L.H.: A protocol for the investigation of pregnancy loss. Clinics
Perinatol 17: 723-742, 1990
135. Weston P.J. , Ives, E.J., Honoré, L.H., Lees, G.M. , Sinclair, D.B. and Schiff, D.:
Monochorionic diamniotic minimally conjoined twins: A case report. Am J Med Genet
37(4): 558-61, 1990.
136. Honoré, L.H. and Manickavel, V.: Striated muscle heteroplasia in the uterine round
ligament: A report of thirty cases. Arch Pathol Lab Med 115: 223, 1991.
137. Day, R.S.III., Honoré, L.H. and Dobler, K.D.: Effect of passaging on Mer phenotype of
human fetal cell cultures. Mutation Research, DNA Report 254: 153, 1991.
138. Honoré, L.H., Koch, M. and Brown, L.B.: Comparison of oral contraceptive use in women
with adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Gynecol Obstet Inest
32: 98, 1991.
139. Honoré, L.H., Chari R., Mueller H.D., Cumming D.C. and Scott J.Z.: Postmenopausal
hyperandrogenism of ovarian origin. A clinicopathologic study of four cases. Gynecol
Obstet Inest 32: 98, 1991.
140. Honoré, L.H. and Scott J.Z.: An unusual acquired tubal lesion: Post-salpingostomy
intercornual bridging with hematosalpinx, chronic salpingitis and perisalpingeal
endometriosis. J Reprod Med 221-222, 1992.
141. Morrish D.W., Honoré, L.H. and Bhardwaj D.: Partial hydatidiform moles have impaired
differentiated function (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin and Human Placental
Lactogen) and secretion in response to epidermal growth factors and 8-bromocyclic
adenosine monophosphate. Am J Obstet Gynecol 166: 160-166, 1992.
142. Machin G.A., Honoré, L.H. , Fanning E.A. and Molesky M.: Perinatally acquired neonatal
tuberculosis. Report of two cases. Pediatr. Pathol. 12: 707-716, 1992.
143. Bamforth J.S., Fabian C., Machin G., and Honoré, L.H.: Poland anomaly with a limb body
disruption defect. Case report and review. Am J Med Genet 13: 780-784, 1992.
144. Torfs C.P., Curry C.J.R., Bateson T.F. and Honoré, L.H.: A population-based study of
congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Teratology 46: 555-565, 1992.
145. Godbout R., Bisgrove D.A., Honoré, L.H. and Day RS III: Amplification of the gene
encoding the a-subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex in a human
retinoblastoma cell line. Gene 123: 195-201, 1993.
146. Honoré, L.H., Chari R., Mueller H.D., Cumming D.C. and Scott J.Z.: Postmenopausal
hyperandrogenism of ovarian origin: A clinicopathologic study of four cases.
Menopause Digest: 3-5, May, 1993.
147. Honoré, L.H., Torfs C.P. and Curry C.J.R.: A possible association between the hernia of
Morgagni and trisomy 21. Am J Med Genet 47:255-256, 1993.
148. Honoré, L.H.: Pathology of female infertility. Current Opinion in Obst. and Gynecol
1994: 6:364-371.
149. Duggan MA, Inoue M, McGregor SE, Stuart GCE, Morris S, Chang-Poon V, Schepansky A,
Honoré, L.H.: A paired comparison of dot blot hybridization and PCR amplification for
HPV testing of cervical scrapes interpreted as CIN1. Eur. J. Gynaecol. Oncol 1994; 15:
150. Garcia-Lloret MI, Morrish DW, Wegman TG, Honoré, L.H., Turner AR, Guilbert LJ:
Demonstration of functional cytokine placental interactions: CSF-1 anad GM-CSF
stimulate human cytotrophoblast differentiation and peptide hormone secretion. Exp.
Cell Res. 1994; 214:46-54.
151. Vogelsang PJ, Nguyen GK, Honoré, L.H.: Exfoliative cytology of adenoma
malignum(minimal deviation adenocarinoma of the uterine cervix). Diagnostic
Cytopathology 1995; 13: 146-150.
152. Honoré, L.H. Placental site trophoblastic tumor(PSTT). Contemporary Ob/Gyn,
Aug/Sept., 1996, pp. 21-24.
153. Honoré, L.H.: Is cotyledonoid dissecting leiomyoma of the uterus(Sternberg Tumor)
identical with grapelike leiomyoma of the uterus ? (letter). Am. J. Surg. Pathol 21: 1257-
1258, 1997.
154. Torfs CP, Honoré, L.H., Curry CJR: Is there and association between Down Syndrome and
Omphalocele ? Am. J. Med. Genet 73: 400-403, 1997.
155. Duggan MA, McGregor SE, Stuart GC, Morris S, Chang-Poon V, Schepansky A, Honoré,
L.H.: Predictors of coincidental CIN II/III amongst a cohort of women with CIN I detected
by a screening Pap test. Europ. J. Gynaec. Oncol (19)3: 209-14, 1998.
156. Duggan MA, McGregor SE, Stuart GC, Morris S, Chang-Poon V, Schepansky A, Honoré,
L.H.: The natural history of CIN I lesions. Europ. J. Gynaec. Oncol 19(4): 338-44, 1998.
157. Khandaroo RG, Evans MG, Honoré, L.H., Bhargava R, Phillipos E: Fetus-in-fetu presenting
as cystic meconium peritonitis: diagnosis, pathology and surgical management. Pediatric
Surgery 35(5): 721-723, 1999.
158. Leonard NJ, Cole T, Bhargava R, Honoré, L.H., Watt J: Sacrococcygeal teratoma in Sotos
Syndrome. Am. J. Med.Genet 95(2):182-184, 2000.
159. Chafe S, Honoré, L.H., Pearcey R, Capstick V: An analysis of the impact of pathology
review in gynecologic cancer. Int J Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 48(5): 1433-
1438, 2000.
160. Ginsberg J, Lewanczuk RZ, Honoré, L.H.: Hyperplacentosis: A novel cause of
hyperthyroidism. Thyroid II: 393-396, 2001.
161. Nguyen GK, Russell L, Honoré L, Vriend R: Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma of the uterus with
oncocytic change. Pathol. Res. Pract. 197(9): 643-646, 2001.
162. Steed HL, Pearcey RG, Capstick V, Honoré LH. Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the
vagina during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol, 100(5pt20: 1105-1108, 2002.
163. Helmle KE, Otto CJ, Constantinescu G, Honore LH, Andrew SE. Variable MLH1 promoter
methylation patterns in endometrial carcinomas of endometrioid subtype lacking
DNA mismatch repair, Int J Gynecol Cancer 15, 1089-1096, 2005.
164. Amanie J, Pearcey RG, Honoré L, Sloboda R : Metastatic adenocarcinoma of the cervix in
a delivery-induced traumatic lower vaginal tear Gynecol oncol 96: 857-9, 2005.
165. Ray M, Bose B, Honoré L : A 53-year-old woman with abdominal pain and fullness.
CMAJ 172: 184, 2005.
166. Honoré LH, Hanson J: Statistical analysis of pathologic risk factors for intramyometrial
lymphovascular space involvement in myoinvasive endometrial carcinoma. Int J Gynecol
Cancer 16, 1-6, 2006.
167. Satgé D, Honoré L, Sasco AJ, Vekemans M, Chompret A, Rethoré MO: An ovarian
dysgerminoma in Down Syndrome: Hypothesis about the association, Int J Gynecol
Cancer, Suppl 1, 375-379, 2006.
168. Honoré LH, Hanson J, Andrew SE: Microsatellite instability in endometrioid endometrial
carcinoma: Correlation with clinical relevant pathologic variables. int J Gynecol Cancer
16: 1386-1392, 2006.
169. Steed H, Capstick v, Schepansky A, Honoré L, Hiltz M, Faught W, Early cervical cancer
and parametrial involvement: is it significant ? Gynecol Oncol 103: 53-7, 2006.
Many papers reviewed for CMAJ, Teratology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Archives of Pathology
and Laboratory Medicine, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, International Journal
of Gynecologic Cancer